

Monday 29 December 2014

Day 363/365

A crisp and cold morning, the road was slippery and wanting to get my run done early opted to jump over a stile and run off road rather than risk slipping on an icy puddle especially with only 3 days left of my challenge. Did my normal minimum miles off road route which took me up past The Holcombe Inn and down through Holcombe woods and past the old church. Even the mud was frozen which made it a lot easier running off road in my road trainers, the fields were white with frost but the sun was rising in the blue clear sky warming up the morning, a beautiful morning.
Just over 4 miles, running total at 1998/2014 miles leaving me with 16 miles in 2 days to hit my total for the challenge. As a Grand Finale to my challenge I have decided to join others on New Years Eve in in attempting to run a full circuit of Bristols Green Man Challenge route 45.5 miles, if you would like more information or to follow this challenge you can on Facebook  2014Kx365 - The Last Day or http://www.kx365thelastday.co.uk This is going to be a huge challenge to end a whole year of activity, if you are able to support along the route or join for all or part of the route everyone is welcome.

Sunday 28 December 2014

Day 359/365 Christmas Day

Christmas Day run just the minimum, Nanny and Grampy are settled with the children looking at what Santa has brought, my dear wife is busy in the kitchen. There is no way I could run after Christmas Dinner and the children were busy unwrapping presents early, 11.30 am it's now or never. Minimum miles 5k up Frog Lane to Stoke St Michael past The Duke of Cumberland through Stoke past The Knatchbull and back home lovely bright sunny morning. 6 days left in my challenge. 1980 running miles of 2014.

Day 362/365 Glastonbury Tor Dash

Well organised by Rogue Runs Glastonbury Tor Dash, a short multi terrain race of roughly 4 miles with a route that ran around the bottom and then up and over the Iconic landmark of Glastonbury Tor. Starting and finishing at Old Oaks campsite the course started along the lane almost immediately heading along bridal ways and muddy pathways. My off road shoes being out of action I competed in this race wearing my road trainers I managed ok due to the sharp frost we had had over night which kept most off road running fairly solid. We were soon running uphill along lanes very steep lanes before getting to the base of the Tor itself. Around the bottom through grassy fields till we came back on ourselves to make the ascent up the Tor. The steps caused a bit of congestion and there was no alternative but to go the same pace as who ever was in front of you. Well supported at the top of the Tor with folks cheering and ringing bells, the descent again down steps I was able to gain momentum and ran past 3 others. Back out on to the lane again climbing before going back along a very muddy bridal way where I struggled for grip. Downwards now across two grassy fields as I reached the stile at the first my legs shot out from under me down onto my buttocks I slid but the momentum brought me back upright. Back into the campsite and to the finish with an official finish time of 00:38:16, 23rd in a field of 75. This was my 19th race of 2014 bringing my running miles up to 1994/2014 with 3 days left to go in the challenge.

Day 361/365

Cold but bright, just me and my shadow running minimum miles around the lanes of Holcombe. Feeling slightly lethargic, legs are heavy and tired. Will have chips for lunch as I racing tomorrow, the last run of the year. Today's effort took mileage total up to1990/2014 with 4 days remaining of the challenge.

Friday 26 December 2014

Day 360/365 Boxing Day

Having no trail shoes another road run, up through Leigh on Mendip and Stoke St.Michael. Not exactly how I wanted to see the year out as I would much rather run off road and it is much easier on the body but having no spare off road trainers the run must be done. Very wet and very cold managed to squeeze just over 6.5 miles in before it was dark taking my running total for the year  up to 1987 miles since January 1st. 5 days to go in 2014kx365 challenge.

Day 358/365 Christmas Eve

Wearing my Santa outfit today's run took in the villages of Stratton on the Fosse, Holcombe  and Coleford visiting family and friends as I ran to wish them a Merry Christmas. A lovely sunny afternoon I ran down through Stratton on the Fosse to the sounds of bells ringing, outside their gateways were my sister, Dad, neighbours and one of the proudest supporters to my challenge my Mum. I ran through Stratton on the Fosse and headed back towards Holcombe but as I had not seen many people and wearing my Santa outfit took a diversion onto Coleford. The streets and roads were a bit busier now and had a few cheers a card blowing their horns. Visited my sister and my old friend as well as founders to my chosen charity Time is Precious for a promotion photo. Was quite enjoying myself and lost track of time before having to race back to Holcombe to get on with Christmas festivities. Just over 8 miles taking my running total up to 1977 miles for the year 7 days to go.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Day 357/365

The last Somer AC training night of the year. Much more of a social jingle bell jog, a festive run around the housing estates of Westfield taking in the Xmas lights. Followed by award winning fish and chips at Whitstones. A fairly decent turn out for the last run including Jim Plunkett Cole and his dog Alf, Jim being the initiative behind kx365 and still drumming up trade for 2015kx365. If your interested in doing a little bit of excercise with the motivation of others encouraging each other through social media be it run, walk, swim, cycle or whatever you fancy visit facebook page 2015kx365 and sign up before 1st January. Tonights little amble was just over 4 1/2 miles taking my running total up to 1968 running miles of 2014, just 8 days to go in this challenge.

Monday 22 December 2014

Day 356/365 Hashing

An introduction to Hashing. Setting off from the Duke of Cumberland in the dark about 30+ runners of mixed abilities members of Mendip Hash Harriers, not knowing in which direction we were going but following a trail of flour set earlier in the day by the hare. Along muddy footpaths and trails runners could be heard shouting as to which way to go or if a route checked out was actually blind which could be determined by the symbols left on the floor in flour. Some routes were false where the flour ran out the correct route had 3 continuous blobs of flour also a route may indicate that the lead runners had to run back behind the group so as slow runners were not left behind. At half way point where we had a regroup the hare had hung a Christmas stocking up in a tree full of chocolates, it was much fun until...
Tonights run was also a reminder how easily my challenge could have ended at anytime. A hasher climbed over the stile in front of me and landed awkwardly  immediately he was in immense pain and unable to even walk on his foot. The run continued as those in front ran on oblivious, we carried him across a couple of fields to the road where a car collected him. We tried to catch back up with the group but had lost the trail and the group, we ran around the road heading back towards Holcombe where we actually  came across the trail again heading across the fields into the quarry. I was running out of time to be back home in time to collect my daughter from a Christmas party, so me and one other continued around the road back to the Duke of Cumberland whilst the rest continued on the hash. 6.16 miles after losing the trail, 1964/2014 running miles day 356.
  Raising awareness and funds for
SANDS www.justgiving.com/2014kx365jimbarron
Time is Precious www.justgiving.com/365jimbarron

Sunday 21 December 2014

Day 355/365 Avon Valley Adventure & Wildlife Parks Santa Dash

Day 355, 10k at Avon Valley Adventure and Wildlife Parks very first Santa Dash. Over 600 runners all dressed in Santa suits competed over a variety of distances, 10k, 5k and some shorter distances for children. The 10k & 5k both started together with the 10k being 2 laps of the same route over an extremely muddy heavy going off road course, mainly around the perimeter of  some arable fields which were very slippery apart from running on the stubble left from previous crops. As soon as the horn went various items of Santa clothing was strewn around the course, starting on the second lap there was lots more discarded clothing hats, belts, coats and trousers. Apart from moving my beard down from off my mouth I endeavoured to keep the whole costume intact. The whole family had come to cheer me on today so I did my best to put in a strong performance which I hoped I did but the time keepers ran in to difficulties with the 5k and 10k finishing together as well as numbers not being visible due to Santa tunics being removed I think they gave up, my own time came in at 00:52:46 which would have been quicker as I always start my tracker before the horn and normally always forget to stop it when I've finished. A good run though very festive, some great sights of the line of red santas running around the field and an enjoyable warm up session beforehand, nice medal and the family were allowed in the wildlife park for free.
1958/2014 running miles 10 days to go, thankyou for all the donations to my chosen charities over the weekend it's very rewarding to know that my efforts have been appreciated.

SANDS       www.justgiving.com/2014kx365jimbarron
Time is Precious     www.justgiving.com/365jimbarron

Saturday 20 December 2014

Day 354/365

Christmas shopping today and didn't get back to early so just the minimum. 5k up to Stoke St Michael and back to Holcombe, watching the sun go down on day 354. 1952 running miles of 2014 11 days to go.

Friday 19 December 2014

Day 353/365

After running everyday of the year and organising myself the day before taking running gear with me on day trips and to work waiting for the window of opportunity to run, today was the first day I forgot to take my gear to work. Didn't even realise till it was time to finish so yesterday was my last run after work of the year as I have now broken up for the festive season.  So I came home and managed a rather sluggish 5.14 miles road run around the sunny lanes of Holcombe, suffering slightly from my longer run yesterday. 1948/2014 running miles done, 12 days left to go of 365.

The majority of my runs over the year have been on my own chasing my shadow but  a fair few I have had the company of my running work mates whom I would like to thank with the challenge almost over for getting out there to on days I may well have given in and kept me going Desmond Rabbitts, Vince Meredith, Steve Probert, Nick Parrott, Paul Hibbard and Mark McLaughlin. Also with work finished now till the New Year I would also like to thank everyone at Integrity Print who has encouraged and supported me and donated to my chosen charities SANDS www.justgiving.com/2014kx365jimbarron and Time is Precious www.justgiving.com/365jimbarron

Thursday 18 December 2014

Day 352/365

Trying to take the pressure off over the Christmas period decided to get a few miles under my belt as I'm still chasing 82 miles over 14 days which is just under 6 miles a day, not a huge problem but I don't think it will go down to well if I'm out running for hours on end on Christmas Day or any other days which may be busy with festivities. Straight after work another road run from Westfield to Kilmersdon where I got on the cycle path all the way into Radstock and on through to Thicket mead. Up Chilcompton Rd to Chilcompton along Tunnel Lane and back down the Fosseway to the trading estate 11.37 miles, not the quickest of runs my legs felt a bit heavy. Damp and drizzling with lots of muddy puddles along the cycle path, gained myself a blister from a wet sock rubbing which is something slightly amusing after running everyday for nearly a whole year.

Nicky Halford from Time is Precious visited Bristol Children's Hospital last week to deliver Christmas presents for the children as well as an I Pad, steps for children to practice stepping up and down and wall mounted games for a waiting area for the children. Every penny donated goes directly towards making time spent by children and their families whilst in hospital more bearable. If you would like to donate please visit my just giving page at www.justgiving.com/365jimbarron

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Day 351/365

Another road run straight after work, had Desmond for company. Desmond was struggling slightly from his exertions at the weekend chasing reindeer. Managed to keep the mileage up running just over 6 miles in and out the housing estates around Westfield, Christmas lights looking festive, holidays are coming. Chatting as we ran I told Des that since I had started this challenge on the 1st January I had ran on average 5.5 miles daily and ran a total of 1932 miles, he collapsed at this stage on the pavement saying I don't know how you have stuck at it. I reminded him I was doing it for charities Time is Precious and SANDS and the £1 a mile he had sponsored me would hopefully be £2014 by 31st December. He didn't move at this point led on the pavement, luckily a kind citizen heard the commotion and immediately started resuscitation on Desmond.

If you to would like to donate every penny makes a difference you can on my just giving pages
SANDS www.justgiving.com/2014kx365jimbarron
Time is Precious www.justgiving.com/365jimbarron

Desmond was not hurt in the taking of these photos.

Day 350/365

With my off road trainers out of action or at least any life left in them being saved for any off road race between now and 31st December begrudgingly I will have to run around the roads till the trainer issue is sorted. My joints do not like running on the roads the impact over the year has started to play my knees and ankles up a little, however still needing an average 6 miles daily till 31st to hit my challenge of 2014 running miles did a little 5 mile run from the trading estate up to the White Post back down to Midsomer Norton past the rugby club. Hopped onto the Norton Radstock Greenway till I got to the pit path, up the pit path and back through Westfield to the trading estate. Legs were feeling a bit lethargic today, possibly felt a bit of a head cold coming on so just took it steady.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Day 349/365

My little girls class performed their nativity play this morning, she was a star. I took the opportunity to run from her school back home..... the long way. 8.38 miles off road following the footpaths and trails along Snails Bottom to Loocombe woods. As I neared the woods I could hear a shoot going on not having a red hat to wear I was a bit worried. Gun shots seemed to die down as I entered the woods and ran through I was glad I was wearing a hi viz shirt which I wouldn't normally do off road. Half way through there was no more gun shots, I startled ducks and pheasants and came across the gamekeepers truck but thankfully made it through down through Holcombe Woods and out beside Old Holcombe Church. I ran around the cemetery and up the path around the church and up to My Uncle Kens grave I wished him a Merry Christmas and ran back out again, he would have been marvelled by this challenge which will be over in16 days time. Skirted the village of Holcombe and ran around the east side of the village I had a bit of time to get some miles in so carried on to the bottom of Edford around the woods and out to Ham before coming back in towards the village and up Holcombe Hill. Very wet under foot good conditions for running not to cold or wet. 1920 miles of 2014, 94 miles required in 16 days.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Day 348/365 Reindeer Run 10k

Ecofitness 10k 'Reindeer Run'  at Stourhead. A change of route to last years run and sadly a mile short of 10k, however it was still a fairly tough route through the woodland and fields around the National Trust land of the Stourhead estate. A good turn out from Somer AC for the last club race of the year and a fair few Frome runners too in their red running shirts. Managed to come 19th of a field of 88 runners in a time of 00:41:49. My tracker measured to route to be 4.89 miles which was out of the organisers control on the day to make the route the correct length, however all finishers were given mince pies and a rather nice Christmas reindeer decoration.  Some very nice running along tracks through woodland but a few very nasty muddy inclines which took some power to run up on already tired legs but an enjoyable run.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Day 347/365 Bath Skyline Psrkrun

Bath Skyline Parkrun this morning which is partly on gravelled tracks but mainly off road, I had took my road trainers to wear as I was going down into Bath to return my broken innov 8's to the retailer but as there had been a frost I chose to wear the innov 8s for the extra grip. I was glad I did as it was quite slippery in places a smaller field of runners to what I had seen before and I managed to get off to a good start first mile just over 8 minutes, started to settle in running under 8 minutes for mile 2 and 7.34 for the 3rd, getting myself a course pb by 8 seconds. Official finish time 00:24:03, 28th overall and 7th in my age group.

Went down into town to exchange my innov 8s to Ruunning Bath only to be told they would not exchange them as I had knackered them where I apparently badly overpronate. Now when I bought my road shoes from Running Bath  had all the checks done running on pressure pads etc and was told my gait was neutral but now just by looking at my running shoes I badly overpronate. I was told everything wears out like the tyres on your car and depending on how you use them will depend on how long they last....... They are off road trail shoes and that is what I have been doing in them. I only got them at the end of August ,just under 4 months, supposedly innov8 guarantee their shoes for a year against workmanship and materials, we shall see but at the moment I can't be without a pair, have no spares and will be racing in them tomorrow at Stourhead in the Reindeer Run, let's hope they hold out.

Day 346/365

Disaster has struck, my innov 8 Roclite off road trainers have developed holes on the inside of each foot, almost as if the material has rotted. These trainers are only just 4 months old and haven't done a great deal of work as my mid week runs have been mainly on the road since September. Santa is not due for 13 days and with only 19 days to go but still needing 110 miles this is not what is needed so close to the end of my challenge. I have rang the makers and they have said take them back to the retailer. Just a short run today 4.08 miles still very wet out there.