

Wednesday 4 February 2015

365 Consecutive 5k's

My 2014kx365 challenge finished on 31st December after running 40+ miles of the Green Man Ultra Challenge route . Many people asked what have I been doing since my challenge finished, have I enjoyed the rest? Well, I did not stop New Years day I ran again  and have ran every day since. My 2014 kx365 challenge was to run/ walk a minimum 1k everyday which I did. My intention was to attempt to run 365 consecutive 5k's but after falling ill in February 2014 I could only manage to walk a mile on two days which kept my 2014kx365 challenge alive but I had to restart my 5kx365 challenge. When I continued running people said "why? stop no one will know", that wasn't the point I would know.

February 4th 2015
It was just getting light, the air was cold, the frozen ground crunched underfoot as I ran along the footpaths and trails. Birds were singing as they darted hungrily in and out the hedges. The cold air made it hard to breathe and my fingers were tingling from the cold. As I trundled along a trail a buzzard perched upon a fence post spread its wings and took off rising up over the hedges and trees that were covered in a white blanket of frost. The sun struggled to force its way through the heavy clouds silhouetting the buzzard. I climbed over a stile and caught site of a fox racing across the field behind s flock of sheep, no doubt startled from its skulking by my running. Nearing a gateway the mud was frozen over I landed heavily in the middle, the icy cold water splashed up over my legs. I could hear a woodpecker drilling in the distance, a stray bramble across the trail entwind itself around my ankle tearing the skin as I ran. Skirting the woods I frightened a pair of roe deer which bounded back into the cover of the woodland, twice stopping and looking back to see what this was running across the fields. I stumble in the frozen divets  made by horses hoofs but manage to stay upright. Just under 5 miles. Day 365 of 365 consecutive days running a minimum 5k everyday, I have reached the milestone. 1 whole year of  back to back running everyday and raising a whopping £1749.06 for my chosen charities Time is Precious and SANDS - Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity. Thankyou everybody for your support and donations you've been immense.